Dr. A Smit has developed a new Dermal Product

This product has been proven to decrease wrinkle lines considerably

RhytAway is a safe, natural cosmetic product which with continuous use, reduces wrinkle and frown line length. A single product for day and night use.

RhytAway moisturiser is a non surgical alternative to the injection therapy with allopathic medicine.

This homeopathic remedy is diluted and prepared in volumes that do not have any possible side-effects (As it is incorporated into the cream).

Easy to use: Apply as moisturising night and day cream and see the difference.

Sol, in the moisturising cream, is a homeopathic remedy specifically used to treat those dermal damages caused by the sun.

Luna, in the moisturising cream, is a homeopathic remedy to be used to gently treat the endocrine hormonal system. This will enable the human body to heal the skin at night.

Helps improve appearance of skin - enhances skin texture and shortens wrinkle lines.

The RhytAway treatment is a safe alternative to 'Botox' treatment or 'face-lift' surgery.

RhytAway has been proven to shorten wrinkle length.

The homeopathic remedies included in this cream are in dilution with no physically active ingredient detectable. The cream is prepared in an inert base cream. Homeopathic remedies employed in this cream have been diluted sufficiently to exclude danger of allergies and adverse effects to be experienced.

The contents of the cream are the researcher's (Dr. A Smit) secret formula. The exact dilution will not be disclosed, but here is what he says about the development of the product:

'As part of my Masters Degree I did a mini disertation employing 60 patients, with ethical commitee clearance, to use creams for research.
The research entailed using medicated creams for three groups of patients and a fourth group used an unmedicated cream. A double blind placebo compared study was done.

The homeopathic remedy medicated creams employed in comparison to a base cream only, had a significant effect on shortening the frown line length. The inert base cream had no effect.'

No side-effects are experienced by using this cream
No paralyses of facial muscles are experienced.

Please contact Dr. Smit to enquire about these products

Homeopathic Products

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